Children Courses (7-11)

Spanish for Children via Skype

Online Spanish Courses with Skype

Spanish for Children via Skype (Primary School, 7-11 years)

spanish for children

Spanish for the little ones of the house.


We all know that the best time to learn a language is when you are young. And we also know that the best way to learn is through play.


Learn more about your teacher! What are our online Spanish lessons like?

1 lesson

5 lessons

10 lessons

20 lessons

50 min.
22 €
110 €
220 €
418 €
25 min.
11 €
55 €
110 €
209 €

This online course in Spanish for Young Learners is the most entertaining and effective way to teach children Spanish at home – where you be with your child (maybe even learn with them) and without the stress of ferrying them to and from their Spanish class.


In this course we use teaching methods that allow the children to learn Spanish in a natural way, and most importantly in a way they will enjoy, through games and activities, videos and stories.


We will also use educational internet programmes which have been specially created for children to learn Spanish. We will sing, dance, paint….all on the computer.

To order your lessons or ask for more information…



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